Five Tips for Supporting Hormonal Imbalances Naturally: Sneha Somaya


By: Sneha Somaya

Our hormones are important for regulating every function in our body from appetite and metabolism, to sleep and reproductive cycles. Hormonal imbalances occur when there is too much or too little of a hormone and even the slightest imbalance may have noticeable effects on our overall health and wellbeing.

Around the age of 17, I went about 8-10 months without getting my period. For a couple months it was fine, irregularities happen while you’re growing up and in the midst of puberty, but at 9 months…something was up. My mum made an appointment with an OBGYN, we explained the situation, did an ultrasound through which the doc saw cysts on my ovaries and I was diagnosed with PCOS aka Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. She told us there was not much information on a cause or a solution, and that taking birth control would help with my symptoms.

These are a few of the symptoms I was struggling with:

  • Irregular/no periods

  • Brain fog and fatigue

  • Hirsutism

  • Cystic acne

  • Anxiety

  • Irregular sleep cycles

While some women experience general imbalances in the form of irregular periods or fatigue, others like myself are diagnosed with conditions such as PCOS, endometriosis, hyperthyroidism or cystic fibroids…and I personally know at least one person in each of these categories - most of them unaware! About 47% of American women aged 30–60 have experienced the symptoms of a hormonal imbalance.

Over the past few years I have tried different diets, exercise, herbal remedies, homeopathy and more…As hard as it was to face the symptoms, accept them and then work on healing, it has been a beautiful journey of getting closer to myself and my body. Our society thrives on this disconnect, anxiety and fear that we face, so our body suffers and these symptoms show up asking for help! See your symptoms as a blessing - your body needs your help to heal and it’s asking you directly!

I am now at a place where a majority of my symptoms have dissolved, my period is regular and my skin is glowing. There is still healing to be done, but I know I’m finally making progress. Our bodies are incredible and given the time and resources, they have the power to heal themselves…we just have to provide and allow for the magic to unfold.

Here are my top five diet and lifestyle changes inspired by what I’ve done, read about and learnt so far. 

  • Eat balanced meals

    Every meal and snack you consume must be balanced to support your blood sugar. This means eating a plate of carbs, protein and healthy fats, all unprocessed and whole food ingredients. Our hormones are literally made of fat and protein, and we eat low glycemic carbs to give us energy! You’ll see your cravings slowly disappear, you’ll start feeling more awake and energetic, improved metabolism, and better insulin resistance.

    Add sweet potatoes, avocados, olives, brazil nuts, chia seeds and fermented foods to your diet. For animal products - wild caught fish, pasture raised eggs and chicken, grass fed and finished red meat are important in terms of sourcing, and make sure to cook your food in coconut/olive/avocado oil or pasture raised ghee.

  • Exercise

    Stop with the constant cardio and HIIT, instead switch to strength training, walking, pilates and yoga. Women with hormonal conditions often have high cortisol levels, our stress hormone, which influences how we digest food, absorb vitamins and minerals and leads to the various symptoms we experience. These forms of exercise also raise cortisol…when our internal systems are too stressed out they eventually stop functioning the way they should and we end up with symptoms.

    The suggested forms of exercise also help with improving metabolism, losing excess weight, improving insulin resistance and will help keep your stress levels balanced

  • Get off birth control

    Most teens and young women with irregular periods, PMS or severe acne are immediately told to get on birth control. If you are using birth control solely to solve your hormonal imbalances, you need to stop. The pill doesn't actually correct the underlying cause of our symptoms. It contains synthetic hormones that mask what our body should naturally be capable of doing.

    As women, fertility and hormone cycles are the BEST measures of our health.

    “Women are amazing rhythmic creatures and require the beautiful dance of their hormones to be healthy. No woman should have a baby she doesn’t want. But knowingly putting synthetic hormones that disrupt the endocrine system into her body, destroying that rhythm and destroying fertility by removing hormones and replacing them with toxins, is simply not a reasonable option.” Read more, here.

    If you use birth control as a contraceptive, I would encourage you to read about the non-hormonal, natural contraceptive options out there—it’s doing your body good, and you deserve that.

  •  Magnesium every night

    Magnesium is a key nutrient and is essential for many life functions. It regulates blood sugar levels, improves exercise performance, and ensures proper brain function. Every cell in your body contains magnesium and needs it to function!

    A majority of our population today is deficient in magnesium. While it is possible to get it from a variety of food sources, we just don’t get enough and for us ladies with hormonal conditions, the effects can multiply and impact many internal processes. Magnesium glycinate, a couple hours before bed, helps to reduce cortisol, support our body and get good sleep.

  • Build a routine/self care practice

    An important component of natural healing is also choosing to live in alignment with our desires, reducing stress and anxiety and improving negative thought patterns. Journalling, therapy, spending time in nature and breathwork are a few methods that help with emotional release and getting on track to live a more intentional, healthy and happy life.

    While there is no straightforward cause of imbalances, nervous system dysfunction, nutritional deficiencies and stress result in poor gut health, hormonal imbalances and masculine/feminine energy imbalances. While we all must contribute to this society to live and enjoy the beautiful things in life, we have to heal our gut, our nervous system and lower stress…it is important to balance the doing with being in this human life we get to experience!


I'm a recent college grad and soon to be a certified Holistic Health Coach. Inspired by my own journey with PCOS, I hope to encourage, educate and serve the next generation of women to be the strongest, healthiest versions of themselves. I like to describe myself as a third culture kid as I grew up in an Indian family based in Dubai and have been living in the US for the past 5 years; as a result, I love enjoying new cuisines (it's possible!) and interacting with people from different backgrounds and cultures!

You can find me on instagram or tiktok to learn more tips for happy hormone living! I will also be taking 1-1 clients soon and would love to support you on your health and wellness journey - sign up here.

girlvana yoga